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Clayola Brown APRI President

APRI President Clayola Brown

CLAYOLA BROWN President of the A. Philip Randolph Institute. International Vice President, Workers United-SEIU. Senior Advisor for Strategic Partnership and Racial Justice, AFL-CIO. Appointed Civil, Human & Women's Rights Director by the AFL-CIO

Welcome to our new website! We hope you will find it helpful, and that you will visit here often.

You will also find links to our updated Facebook and new Twitter pages. Please be sure to "like" us, so that you will get updates about our activities, including our upcoming National Education Conference.

The 53th National Educational Conference of the A. Philip Randolph Institute convenes during a most challenging time, but it is also a time full of opportunities to advance the cause of social and economic justice for working families across this nation.

Our Labor Movement is being plagued with growth and program challenges at both the local, state and national levels.

Standing still and doing nothing, maintaining the status quo, or going backwards are not viable options!


As we know from the 2020 elections, APRI activists and our allies have been fundamental and essential to: educating, organizing and moving political and legislative victories.

More importantly, we are stronger in our relationships with each other as we overcome barriers to worker unity.

So, in this context, we are moved to reenergize and rededicate ourselves to battle and halt the downturn of the economy, the assault on workers and the encroachment on civil and human rights.

With increased education, measurable programs, strong community partnerships and organizational development, We Will Recover AND We Will Advance!

Look for information about our 2024 National Education Conference, coming soon, by clicking the tab above entitled "Conferences."

When we work together, there is no challenge that is too great for us.

When we exhibit our courage, our strength, and our unity, we grow the ranks of those committed to advancing as one fight, the causes of social and economic justice.


In Unity,

a signature

Clayola Brown

National President


To Our Sustaining and National Conference Sponsors:

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