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Your help is crucial

With as little as a few hours a week, your volunteer efforts can make a significant change for the better for workers and all of us.  We'll provide you with the training and knowledge so you can Join our growing community of volunteers today.


Your Dollars are too:

For more than 50 years, APRI has led the struggle for social, political and economic equality for all working Americans. Our mission is be a platform for sustainable resources for education, training, policy and legislative issues, which support voting rights; social and economic justice; racial and cultural diversity; and accessible and affordable healthcare—including mental health.

Our collective voice is heard when we speak out.

Stand up and Fight for Justice and Equality.

We need Your Voice in This Fight.

We need Your Support of Our Mission.

Please make a donation Today -

FOR OUR SOCIAL JUSTICE ACTION:    https://secure.actblue.com/donate/apri-action

FOR OUR GOTV EDUCATION FUND :  https://secure.actblue.com/donate/apri-go-vote

Patriotic person voting
african american woman's face

“Volunteering not only benefits APRI. It's something you as a volunteer can carry with you forever - the experience of helping others and giving yourself to a rightful cause.”

Julie Norman, Volunteer
graphic flower Design


  • Can I become volunteer if I never did it before?

    Absolutely. If you don't have any previous experience  - don't worry. We'll give you all the info and training required to make sure you'll know what to do. All you need is the willingness to volunteer.

  • What should I know to be a volunteer

    You should know that activites such as voter registration drives can be challenging at times - but we'll train you so you'll know what to do when this happens. We do all the "heavy lifting", so you won't have to worry. We typically need easy-to-do things like administrative support

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