CBTU & APRI Statement on Trump's Comments on Haiti, El Salvador, and Africa
Statement by Rev. Terry Melvin & Clayola Brown President, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists & A. Phillip Randolph Institute
On Thursday, January 11, the 45 President reaffirmed his white supremacist and racist stance. In an Oval Office meeting it was reported that Trump called the nations of Haiti, El Salvador, and Africa "s-holes."
It was reported that he said: "Why are we having all these people from s-hole countries come here?" Not only is this question offensive, derogatory, and inflammatory, but it also exposes his deep seeded feelings of white supremacy and racism. This is a racist president who treats foreign policy with the same respect Andrew Jackson gave Indigenous Americans.
Trump has stated he would prefer people from Norway to immigrate than those from darker nations.
Why would this government take a position that Blond-haired and Blue-eyed Europeans should receive preferential treatment when immigrating to this country over the dark skinned? He is confirming his historical position of being racist, white supremacist, and just how he denied Blacks housing in his buildings, he is using the same practices on immigration.
While it is clear Trump is a racist, what is missing is a conversation of why these countries are supposed "s-holes." Haiti was once a thriving and prosperous country with a bounty of resources.
After the slaves defeated the French for independence, the country has been ravaged by cruel leaders propped up by foreign governments. El Salvador was getting by until they elected a Socialist President. Then their country became ravaged by civil war as the US financed and armed the opposition in the name of killing Communism. The history of African exploitation, the illicit flow of funds, and the regime building done by foreign countries is lengthy and present. All this means these countries are suffering directly by US interference, but yet we are unwilling to support them. Learn the history.
The US is now a stain on the world. This president has eroded our standing with the world and is polarizing the populace. He is dangerous, racist, and a misogynist.
We denounce this president and his racist ways, and we call upon the Republican Party to publicly denounce this hate mongering or suffer the consequence of being considered like him. We call upon our press to demand an answer on this agenda of white supremacy and lies, similar to how the Netherlands press corps demanded answers from the US diplomat for his lies.
We call upon all those in the US to engage in the political process, to organize their communities, and to make sure the person in the White House does not reflect the heart and soul of our nation.