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Register for the National APRI Chapter

National APRI Chapter

Registration Form

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The A. Philip Randolph Institute is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

APRI is the most senior constituent group of the AFL-CIO, organized in 1965 with a mission to  CHANGE THE ROLES for the good of our families on the job and in our community.

  • APRI works with like minded organizations to "partner for power" for a better life.
  • APRI works with unions and the community to organize people of color to join a union.
  • APRI organizes for power by training its members in the skills of voter education, voter registration, and getting out the vote.

POWER is negotiating together, speaking up for one another and being an ACTIVIST. Come help build the Power, Join APR!!


* Access to Local and National trainings

* Access to Scholarships (Check with your local chapter)

* Invitation to the National Education Conference

* A Free Prescription Card

  (Provided by APRI via the Prescription Savings Program)

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