The 2024 November Presidential Elections are rapidly approaching. It is imperative to educate activists, organization members and the community that what happens in the legislative halls directly affects our livelihoods and our way of life as we know it today! Already, we have witnessed laws that were decades in standing being reversed in an agenda to take our country spiraling back in time. We say, not on our watch!
We have strategically planned this conference after the 2024 August Primary Elections to allow Get Out The Vote (GOTV) evaluations of problematic precincts to strengthen GOTV initiatives in our delegates' communities. Come out and learn new techniques and strategies and updated voting laws in your state. Our instructors will teach delegates attending this conference through various workshops and presentations on how our delegates can grow their constituency groups, community organizations, union standing committees, political action committees' memberships and participation to enhance your workplace and community involvement as well as knowledge of the importance of their participation in the electoral process.
It's too late for the discounts, but you may still be able to get a room!
Registration is separate from Hotel Registration. Click below to get more info